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Excellent vitamins for the skin
Which vitamins are good for the skin?

Several internal and external factors can cause the skin to lose its elasticity, radiance, and suppleness... While a healthy lifestyle in general is an excellent antidote, certain vitamins are particularly beneficial for the skin. Discover them below.

Couple with flat stomachs
Which supplements should you take for a flat stomach?

A firm, toned tummy is achievable! Discover the best supplements to take to regain a flat stomach.

In good health during spring
What dietary supplements should you take in spring?

Low immunity, feeling rundown, return of allergies... The spring season brings more than just flowers. Inventory of the best dietary supplements to boost yourself up in spring.

Essential oil for relaxing the legs
Which essential oils are best for relaxing the muscles?

Poor posture, intensive exercise, and stress can all result in overstretched muscles. Which are the best essential oils (topical and oral) for relaxing them?

Couple taking anti-aging proteins
Longevity (Anti-aging)
Anti-aging proteins: what are they?

A number of proteins and amino acids are being studied for their potential effects on human longevity. Here we take a look at 3 key anti-aging proteins and the various ways they can be used to help ‘hold back time’.

Probiotics in the gut
Guides and tutorials
Probiotics: how long before eating should you take them?

How long before eating should you take probiotics? Is it better to take them in the morning or evening? Can you take them continuously? We provide the answers to these and other questions.

Duration of supplementation with immunostimulant zinc
Guides and tutorials
Zinc supplements: how long should you take them for?

Not sure how long a course of zinc supplements should last? Here’s a summary, by health issue, of the durations and doses required for effective supplementation.

Memory problems
Brain nutrition
What should you take to support your memory?

Memory, a veritable library of recollections, declines over time which can make it harder to memorise and recall information. Which are the best compounds for providing effective memory support?

Woman with sagging skin
Guides and tutorials
Sagging skin: which supplement should you take?

If you hanker after the firm, toned skin of your youth, discover the best supplements for helping to combat sagging skin.

Healthy, vitamin-rich teeth
Which vitamins are good for the teeth?

For healthy teeth, it’s important to observe good hygiene and eat a sensible diet. But which are the most important vitamins for dental health?

Woman suffering from urinary discomfort
Guides and tutorials
Which supplement should you take for urinary health?

Problems urinating, urinary infections, an overactive bladder … there are so many sources of urinary discomfort. Which supplement should you choose to reduce recurring and incapacitating discomfort of this kind?

Eye health
Vision & Hearing
What are the best vitamins for eye health?

It’s important to take care of your vision throughout life. But do you know which vitamins, one in particular, are essential for the health of your eyes?

Foods with the most omega-3
Heart & Circulation
Omega-3: which are the best dietary sources?

Omega-3 are polyunsaturated fatty acids which are crucial for heart, brain and eye health. But which foods contain the most?

Women taking supplements in winter
Which supplements should you take in winter?

Cold weather, viruses, reduced daylight, being cooped up … winter is a season conducive to ailments and fatigue. The good news is you can boost your resistance by discovering which supplements to take over the winter months.

Emission of heavy metals to be chelated
Liver and detoxification
Heavy metal chelation: principles and substances used

Very popular in recent years, especially in the field of holistic therapy, chelation is firstly a strictly-regulated medical practice, used in cases of heavy metal poisoning. Let’s find out more.

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